Friday, November 5, 2010
The time has come, I'm gonna be a Mum!
Ten months and my time is almost up! Three more days and I will officially be holding a little boy in my arms, I will officially be a Mum. All the stress, anxiety, excitement, anticipation all comes to an end, and then all the stress, anxiety, excitement, and anticipation will start all over again. Will I be a good mum, will I know what to do, will he be happy, healthy, successful, and all the other traits you want your child to have? Will I be able to make a difference in the world by raising this boy with morals and values? Thats a lot of pressure, its a big job, but one I'm willing to take on. Considering I thought I would never be a Mum it is also a job I'm honored to do. So hopefully the next time I write, I'll be typing with one hand and holding a babe in the other!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I might be carrying an extra 30lbs, but I can still hike up that mountain!
As a Personal Trainer exercise has been very important to me, infact after I miscarried it was the only thing that seemed to make me happy. During my current pregnancy, the first 3 months I was sick everyday, but still I continued to lift weights. After the first trimester I just couldn't do it anymore, I wanted to sleep! When I first got pregnant I was determined and had even convinced myself, that I was still going to out everyday, but my body had other plans, and I listened, I slept when I needed to, ate when I needed to and went for walks when I needed too. Although I haven't worked out for 6 months, I definatly think it has helped me through this pregnancy process, and today I even hiked up Giants Head Mountain! Although I did it a little slower than before! Just because your body can't do what it used to do before baby, don't be disappointed, stay as healthy as you can and enjoy planning your new workout plan for after baby comes! I'm excited to work out with the little one strapped to me in a baby carrier!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Nesting, Nesting and Nesting
Are you ever really ready for baby to come? Crib check, change table check, clothes check. I find I spend my days organizing baskets, and then reorganizing baskets. I have his bath basket ready in the main bathroom, and his bathroom drawer ready in our bathroom, I have diapers and creams ready in his room, I've organized his clothes biggest to smallest, short sleeve to long sleeve, washed all his bottles and soothers. I feel my house is ready to welcome this little one, but I don't feel ready yet, but then again are you ever really ready. Only 39 days to go!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Anticipation Continues....
Thank you for reading my first blog! I've always been interested in writing a blog, just never thought I had anything to exciting to write about, but now however I think becoming a first time Mum is a little interesting. I'm officially 33 weeks along now, with my first child, a little boy, who I can't wait to meet. Becoming a Mum is such an amazing thing, and in all honesty I never thought I would be the kind of women who would be interested in rhyme time, baby swim lessons, and baby talk classes, but I find myself so excited I wish I could sign up right now! I look forward to meeting other Mums that I thought were snobs in their own little clique before, I want to be that Mum who pushes the stroller with five other Mum's behind me! I'm new at this, so new that I haven't even met my baby yet, and everyday I learn something new, I hope this blog becomes a place where other Mum's can share stories, and connect with eachother. I'm excited to see where this blog will go!
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